Jeg høster mine egne spinatfrø og har derfor rigtig mange frø liggende. I starten marts, da det stadig var temmelig koldt, besluttede jeg derfor at bredså spinat i alle drivhusets bede. Siden midten af april har der været en løbende høst af spinat både til aftensmaden og til fryseren. I midten af maj, når tomaterne plantes ud, passer det sikkert fint med at den sidste spinat bliver høstet.
I usually harvest my own spinach which results in a lot of seeds. In the beginning of March, when it was still cold, I decided to sow spinach in all the greenhouse beds. Since mid-April there has been a continuous harvest of spinach for dinner but also for the freezer. In mid-May, when the tomatoes are going to be planted, the last spinach will be harvested.
I usually harvest my own spinach which results in a lot of seeds. In the beginning of March, when it was still cold, I decided to sow spinach in all the greenhouse beds. Since mid-April there has been a continuous harvest of spinach for dinner but also for the freezer. In mid-May, when the tomatoes are going to be planted, the last spinach will be harvested.
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